"Sh*thole" Countries

Georgia Republican Sen. David Perdue said Sunday that President Donald Trump did not use the phrase "shithole countries" during a meeting with lawmakers on immigration reform last week.
"I'm telling you he did not use that word, George, and I'm telling you it's a gross misrepresentation," Perdue told moderator George Stephanopoulos on ABC's "This Week."
During an Oval Office meeting on immigration Thursday, Trump expressed frustration with people coming to the United States from "shithole countries," sources told CNN.
Trump has denied making the vulgar remarks, tweeting Friday: "The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used. What was really tough was the outlandish proposal made - a big setback for DACA!"
    Perdue on Sunday accused Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of spreading false information about what Trump said at the meeting and added that Trump has been misrepresented.

    Durbin said Trump used "hate-filled, vile and racist" language in the meeting, according to the Chicago Tribune.

    Sen. Tim Scott told The Post and Courier that fellow South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, who was at the meeting, told him the reported comments are "basically accurate."
    It's not the first time Trump has been racist or demeaning in any way and then denied that he said anything so why should we believe that it is a gross misrepresentation. When someone says that Trump someone who wants to get rid of TSP  said something like that I don't doubt that he did. I don't believe that it's a 'gross misrepresentation', I think that Trump just didn't like the backlash it brought him. 
    When someone says that Trump is not being racist by saying this I think that they don't understand because Trump is saying that regardless of how qualified you are to come to this country it doesn't matter if you aren't white. Norway is a predominately white country and to call countries who's majority are blacks shithole countries is completely racist. 

    Also a man who is set on destroying a program like DACA that provides greater education to people who want to be educated and make the world a better place is appalling. This man should not be the president of the country that provides equal opportunties for all and the freedom to follow your dreams. 

    When even Republicans the people who are usually on Trump's side say this is bad, that's when its really bad. The people who are on your side shouldn't have to tell you that you're being unpresidential and that it was something you shouldn't have said, you should have enough common sense to know you shouldn't. 
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    1. This article is extremely (frustratingly) ironic because Trump has said, "I am the least racist person you've interviewed." or something like that. As a person of color living in America, this is disgusting. My mother is an immigrant, and when she speaks her mind to nationalists, she often gets told to "go back to her own country if you don't like this one". It's just an extremely nuclear (literally and figuratively) climate.


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