Reflection Post

Reflection: a thought, idea, or opinion formed or a remark made as a result of meditation. Consideration of some subject matter, idea, or purpose. 

1. How much media do you consume? How does this impact your life? 
Answer: I consume an average of about 9 hours a day of media, whether it be of music,texting, Instagram, Snapchat, or Youtube. I think that I consumer about the average amount that a teenager does. Like even while writing this I'll stop for a bit to change the songs I'm listening to which I find interesting because I don't really count that as using media. Media has a huge impact on my life from informing me about the world and how different everything is outside of California to keeping me connected with my favorite people. Because of social media I have been able to grow closer to people that I don't get to see everyday which I love. Media especially the news stress me out a lot which makes sense but it isn't healthy to be as stressed as they make me. Media has had both negative and positive impacts on my life. 
Image result for social media

2. What does being aware of your media consumption change your interactions with media?(For example have you become more aware of the techniques advertisers are using when they pitch new product to you?)
Answer: Me being more aware of my media consumptions has changed the way I interact with the media because I question what I am being shown and how true it is. I at first tried limiting my consumption but I think that the more I consume the less ignorant and more educated I become about problems outside of my own.

3. Have your media consumption habits changed this semester? How/Why?
Answer: Yes my media consumption habits have definitely changed this semester some for the better and so for the worse. On the good side of the change has been that I've become way more aware about advertising techniques, media tricks, and overall world events. But on the bad side having this class has made me wonder a lot about how the media impacts one's brain and has caused me a lot of restless nights where I either go to sleep really late thinking about it or go to bed really late because I really want to finish the article or video I found on it. Though I do think my habits on media consumption have gotten better as I no longer look at just one side of an argument instead I find 2 articles about the same topic with different views and choose which one I agree with more. 

4. Why is it important to have media literacy? 
Answer: Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create mediaMedia literate youth and adults are better able to understand the complex messages we receive from television, radio, Internet, newspapers, magazines, books, billboards, video games, music, and all other forms of mediaIt is important to have media literacy because it will insure that you understand and process the meaning of what you are consuming. Its also important because the complex and implicit messages that media convey will be fully comprehended by you. 

5. Why is being an educated consumer important? 
Answer: Being an educated consumer is important because you will question what you buy and if you actually need what you are buying. By being an education consumer you are saving money that you can put towards college saving. 

6.What did you get out of keeping this blog? 
Answer: By keeping this blog I realized that I wasn't as informed on world events as I had thought so before and that my interactions with media are more often than I originally thought. It was definitely fun to keep the blog and to be able to write about whatever was happening in the media. Though keeping this blog did bring me some extra stress because I was always wondering what I would write about each week that would take up at least 1/2 a page. 

7. Other thoughts and media literacy? 
Answer: Media literacy skills are included in the educational standards of every state—in language arts, social studies, health, science, and other subjects.  Many educators have discovered that media literacy is an effective and engaging way to apply critical thinking skills to a wide range of issues.

Media literacy skills can help youth and adults:
- Develop critical thinking skills
- Understand how media messages shape our culture and society
- Identify target marketing strategies
- Recognize what the media maker wants us to believe or do 
- Name the techniques of persuasion used 
- Recognize bias, spin, misinformation, and lies 
- Discover the parts of the story that are not being told 
- Evaluate media messages based on our own experiences, skills, beliefs, and values 
- Create and distribute our own media messages as well as advocate for media justice 


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