
Showing posts from January, 2018

Reflection Post

Reflection: a thought, idea, or opinion formed or a remark made as a result of meditation. Consideration of some subject matter, idea, or purpose.  1. How much media do you consume? How does this impact your life?  Answer: I consume an average of about 9 hours a day of media, whether it be of music,texting, Instagram, Snapchat, or Youtube. I think that I consumer about the average amount that a teenager does. Like even while writing this I'll stop for a bit to change the songs I'm listening to which I find interesting because I don't really count that as using media. Media has a huge impact on my life from informing me about the world and how different everything is outside of California to keeping me connected with my favorite people. Because of social media I have been able to grow closer to people that I don't get to see everyday which I love. Media especially the news stress me out a lot which makes sense but it isn't healthy to be as stressed as they make m

Stressed by Media

A Stressful, Yet Loving Relationship Technology has improved life for many Americans, and nearly half of this country’s adults say they can’t imagine life without their smartphones.1 At the same time, numerous studies have described consequences of technology use, including negative impacts on physical and mental health. For the past decade, the American Psychological Association’s Stress in America™ survey has examined how stress affects American adults’ health and well-being. This year’s survey took a deeper look at technology and social media to better understand their link to stress, relationships and overall health and well-being. The survey showed, nearly all adults (99 percent) own at least one electronic device (including a television). Almost nine in 10 (86 percent) own a computer, 74 percent own an internet-connected smartphone and 55 percent own a tablet. Research also shows that the percentage of American adults using social media increased from 7 percent to 65 perc

"Sh*thole" Countries

Image Georgia Republican Sen. David Perdue said Sunday that President Donald Trump did not use the phrase "shithole countries" during a meeting with lawmakers on immigration reform last week. "I'm telling you he did not use that word, George, and I'm telling you it's a gross misrepresentation," Perdue told moderator George Stephanopoulos on ABC's "This Week." During an Oval Office meeting on immigration Thursday, Trump expressed frustration with people coming to the United States from "shithole countries," sources told CNN. Trump has denied making the vulgar remarks, tweeting Friday: "The language used by me at the DACA meeting was tough, but this was not the language used. What was really tough was the outlandish proposal made - a big setback for DACA!" Perdue on Sunday accused Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin of spre

Merchants of Cool

12. What is meant by the remark that when an advertiser finally finds a cool ad, the ad will self-destruct?  Answer: The remark means that when advertisers have finally found what's cool, teenagers will realize that the thing that they found cool was discovered by mainstream media and will become overused or overplayed making what was once theirs only everyone's.  13. After view the film, are you a smart consumer? Is it true that you do not respond to traditional advertising, but that you can be fooled by these kinds of ads with carefully researched techniques?  Answer: After viewing the film, I do believe that I am a smart consumer as I don't waste money on things that are to expensive and that I don't really need. I don't feel like buying things will fulfill the need to be happy in life and other needs because I have friends and family that already do that. It is indeed true that I don't respond to traditional advertising as when I see ads for compani