Online Shopping!!

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            Online shopping has over the last decade become a huge industry that everyone seems to want to be a part of. I know that annually I spend over $200 shopping online and that that's just a small quantity compared to what other people spend. Online shopping is honestly better than actually shopping because it makes it seem like we are actually getting discounts and that we are spending a lot less money than we would if we shopped in real life. Other thing with online shopping is that you can do it from the comfort of your bed, sipping coffee, watching YouTube or listening to music where with real life shopping you have to get out of your house, drive there, and walk around til you find what you actually like. Plus online shopping has become so fast that you can get things in a matter of 2-days which is amazing. One of the only things that real life shopping has over online shopping is that you can really look at the thing you want to buy and try it on before buying it. Amazon is honestly where I spend the most of my time when I shop online. 
           The e-tailer's revenue totaled $61 billion in 2012 and it currently sits at No.5 on ComScore's list of top 2,000 domains on the web. Amazon's current logo was designed to depict a smile that goes from A to Z. "This signifies that the company is willing to deliver everything to everyone, anywhere in the world."Amazon owns 10 percent of North American E-Commerce. Office Depot, Stapes, Apple, Dell, WalMart, Sears, and Liberty all own another 10 percent of the market, the same size as Amazon. That leaves 1,000+ retailers to all fight for the remaining 80 percent ( Amazon is honestly amazing like it made a society who values shopping and spending money do so online which is incredible. They have such a great variety of items from small baby doll bottles to Gucci watches. This website is not only for rich privileged people but also those who want quality item without having to leave there house except to open their door to pick up the package. 
              The fact that Amazon started out as just a book seller website is so cool because they've expanded so much in the little span of time that the company has been a thing. The first book ever sold was from Bezos’ garage in July 1995. The book was Fluid Concepts & Creative Analogies: Computer Models of Fundamental Mechanisms of Thought.Amazon’s unique users are 5X more valuable than eBay’s. Amazon’s average unique user brings in about $189 while eBay’s bring in just $39(Business Insider). In late 2015 Amazon reported that it had more than 270 million active customer accounts worldwide and was shipping to more than 75 countries (MSN).Amazon is ranked #3 in Fortune Magazine’s World’s Most Admired Companies (Fortune).               
         It is the 10th most visited website in the world. With Amazon being the 10th most visited website I think that it is a huge part of media because I don't think I've ever met someone who doesn't know what Amazon is and how great they are. Amazon has a great return policy and also has great customer service which make it the company that it is today. Overall I think that Amazon has had a huge influence on the way we buy things not only online but also in real life life because stores now have to compete with the huge costumer base that Amazon has. 


  1. I completely agree with your statements on Amazon and online shopping as a whole. I think that as everything in life becomes based on technology, people are staying inside much more and looking at the world from their mobile devices, their computers, or their televisions. Online shopping is just a small component of that want to stay in the comfort of your own home, and potentially do everything you need without ever having to leave your bed. It may be a desire to be comfortable, but I also think that as technology becomes better and more advanced, people become more lazy. Personally, I've seen people lose the desire to do anything active, claiming that they can experience the same amount of fun from their device. Although technology can provide a lot of good things in our lives, I feel like there needs to be a limit on how much we rely on technology. Especially, in this day and age, I feel like that line is beginning to be crossed, since pretty much all of our lives revolves around technology/electronics.


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