All We Want for Christmas is the newest piece of tech!!!

Do you remember what the holidays felt like when you were a kid? School projects took a festive turn, cookies and sweets were just a little bit sweeter, subtle hints about the gifts you wanted weren’t quite subtle enough. Everything seemed wondrous for a brief, special time.
Unfortunately, being an adult means that sense of magic is likely replaced with an emotion fit for the Grinch: greed. The greed for the newest bits of technology or the newest piece of media craze.
Instead of wanting to spend time with family and get small simple gifts many of us just want the most expensive new tech available. Christmas time has become a time of bragging about how you got the newest IPhone instead of it being a time of joy and selflessness. Christmas is nothing but a huge waste of money in my opinion, the only good thing being that you get to spend some time with your family but that doesn't go well when your family starts arguing about opposing political view points. Huge companies thrive off of Christmas time ads, making all their ads about Christmas and how your loved ones need that new pair of diamond earrings or that new phone with unlimited data. Christmas time is just a huge profit income for big companies like Apple, Amazon, and jewelry stores. And how do they make so much profit? By spending millions on ads to bring your attention to items that have been around all year but only now do you need the item. Things like Christmas time promotion codes exist making people think that they are getting a discount when in actuality they are getting the item for the same price that it was a couple weeks before. Christmas is typically the largest economic stimulus for many nations around the world as sales increase dramatically in almost all retail areas. The United States' retail industry generated over three trillion U.S. dollars during the holidays in 2013. These holiday sales reflected about 19.2 percent of the retail industries total sales that year. As a result, just over 768 thousand employees were hired throughout the United States to compensate for the holiday rush. The Christmas shopping season can start as early as September and some consumers begin even earlier(
A large percentage of that income has over the last decade become largely Tech based whether it be a new laptop or the newest Apple watch. Advertisements during Christmas time are full of presents, gold, jewels, red, white, and green. To me the advertisers using presents,gold, and jewels makes the customers believe that Christmas time will bring them riches that they couldn't afford any other time of the year and its also assuming that everyone has the money to buy their loved ones such expensive items for their loved ones. Also the fact that advertisers use green, red, and white make their ads really festive and all people want is for the world to put them in a festive mood so when ads do just that it makes people want to buy the product that the ads are selling at least to me it makes me want to buy their products.
Media for sure also defines what we as teenagers what for Christmas. If a famous celebrity posts that they got a certain brand of sweater, boom, it's on our Christmas list, even if we know that our parents definitely can't afford it. It's not only what we want for Christmas that is influenced by the media but also what we do during Christmas. Such as, a famous person ate this for Christmas then so will I or a certain celebrity went to this place then so will I because they did it so so will I. What celebrities post on their social medias for sure influences not only our actions during Chrsitmas but our ideas about Christmas.
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