My Relationship with Media

My Relationship with Media -

                My relationship with media I think is very much like every teenager in this day and age. I use media day and night, whether I'm sick or healthy I have my phone next to me reading about what's going on in the world or what's going on with my friends. I use media to inform myself about what is happening in the world through news websites and social media. I use social media to connect with people that are like me, people that I would have never met without the help of social media. Social media helps me stay in contact with the friends that I no longer get to see, so I think that media has in a way made my life happier because of the way it's helped me stay connected.  Media has shaped not only the way I see the outside world but also how I see the things that I was taught as a child. The media has also taught me that I should be careful about what I post and what I saw online because of how many celeberties have gotten their private pictures leaked. As I watch Tv and see the shows that come about I realize what our culture portrays certain groups of people as. When I listen to music from other artists outside the US I see how even in music our cultures are so different and how every culture uses media for the same reasons but in different ways. Media for me is a luxury that some people don't get to ever use and only see the world through their own eyes. The media is something that the 21th century has begun to use for everything in life from the way we let social media influence our self-worth to learning about world changing events that have shaped someone else's life apart from ours. Youtube I think is a huge part of the media I intake on a daily. To me Youtube is not only a source of entertainment but also a source of knowledge because of all the educational channels that are there such as TED talks. TED talks have recently become a huge part of my life because I find them really interesting and I get to learn lots of other things I wouldn't have otherwise. Media to me has been a pretty positive addition apart from a few cases and reasons. One of the reasons that media has been completely positive is because of all the negative things that people say online, hateful words that I wouldn't have otherwise heard. Through the media I get to see all the horrible things that are going on in the world that sometimes make me think that I shouldn't complain about my life when so many other people have it much worst than I do. Another thing about media that it's positive is all the fake news that have recently become extremely popular, it's like sources you once thought were credible are no longer credible. So in conclusion I think that I have an average teenage view of media and that although there are some negative things about media it is mostly positive, and I believe that older generations should realize that the media is a huge part of life now and should try to learn more about it instead of shutting it out. 


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